Visit Oslo – The Great Escape
When Marela and Sam from New Zealand went on a trip to Europe found themselves trapped among selfie sticks in an overcrowded city. After battling crowds in a museum, ...
Passers-by in a shopping centre in the Belgian city of Ghent couldn’t believe their ears when a children’s choir began to sing unholy versions of holy Christmas songs. At the end of the video it turned out to be a bold marketing stunt by De Opvoedingslijn, an organization that helps parents deal with educational problems.
When Marela and Sam from New Zealand went on a trip to Europe found themselves trapped among selfie sticks in an overcrowded city. After battling crowds in a museum, ...
99% of all domestic abuse cases include financial abuse. That’s why during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Santander Bank is joining leading domestic violence organizations for an ...
In run-up to the launch of the final season of Afterlife, Netflix has installed 25 permanent benches in parks across the UK to promote healthy conversations around mental health. ...