Samsung Galaxy Note – Who is Notasso?
To emphasize the Galaxy Note’s graphic qualities Samsung launched the digital campaign Who is Notasso? I this great app the upcoming Spanish street artist Notasso makes a personal art ...
Truck driving can be an exhausting job and for many truckers falling asleep at the wheel is a huge concern. In celebration of 60 years of truck production in Brazil, Ford is trying to help remedy the problem by developing a hat that alerts drivers that they might be falling asleep. The SafeCap looks like a normal baseball cap, but it’s really a piece of wearable technology that tracks head movements to determine if a wearer is about to doze off. For now it’s mainly a cool piece of brand activation to celebrate Ford’s truck anniversary in Brazil, but they hope to launch a version of SafeCap for international sale in the near future.
To emphasize the Galaxy Note’s graphic qualities Samsung launched the digital campaign Who is Notasso? I this great app the upcoming Spanish street artist Notasso makes a personal art ...
Pepsi versus Coke, McDonalds versus Burger King. Some brands are born to be rivals and for Microsoft and Apple that certainly is the case during the holiday season. But ...
With this creative concept Volvo cars again shows it takes road safety seriously. Life Paint is a spray-on reflective paint for cyclists. It uses special adhesives that are invisible in ...