KPN – 4G Store Experience
During December shopping streets in the Netherlands look at their best with lots of people and fabulous holiday window displays. Then all of a sudden, in the weeks before the Dutch ...
In the peaceful Swiss region Graubünden sometimes it seems that time stood still, but when it comes to advertising the tourism agency over there is pretty progressive. That showed last year’s awesome interactive stunt and they prove it again with this very cool concept. In the mountain community of Tschlin it’s so quiet that when the village phone rings the whole population of 166 can hear it. To prove that creative agency Jung von Matt/Limmat came up with a six-day promotion, inviting people to call in. Each time a resident failed to pick up, the caller would win a Graubünden vacation. The campaign results are impressive: 4,000 conversations, 1.5 million video views, 500,000 website visits and 68 lucky prize winners.
During December shopping streets in the Netherlands look at their best with lots of people and fabulous holiday window displays. Then all of a sudden, in the weeks before the Dutch ...
With this innovative campaign for their CommBank Property Guide App the Australian Commonwealth Bank blends two totally different forms of communication: the traditional newspaper ad and the interactive world ...
On January 15 2009 T-Mobile organized a swinging flash mob dance event (more than 11 million views on YouTube) at Liverpool St. Station in London. The last few months ...