Rexona – The ultimate Alter Machine
As part of a new campaign for their V12 deodorant Rexona developed the testosterone-filled Facebook app The Ultimate Alter Machine. It’s a cool quiz with a sort of Matrix ...
For many people waking up to the smell of bacon is one of the best ways to start the day. Hormel translates this idea into a fun collectible and pr campaign. The food company launched the Breathable Bacon face mask: ‘a revolutionary face mask featuring the latest in pork-scented technology.’ At, Hormel gave away free masks and for every request will donate one meal to Feeding America, up to 10,000 meals. And though constantly breathing in that smell could be a little overwhelming, all masks are gone.
As part of a new campaign for their V12 deodorant Rexona developed the testosterone-filled Facebook app The Ultimate Alter Machine. It’s a cool quiz with a sort of Matrix ...
Asylum 626 is an impressive and stunningly designed combination of a horror movie, an interactive game, social media and advertising. In this follow-up of the successful campaign Hotel 626 ...
Another striking piece of advertising from Brazil. In this campaign pocket book manufacturer L&PM tries to increase the number of people who read books for pleasure. So they created ...