Kasperky Lab – Kaspersky Virus Hunt
For most consumers antivirus software is a necessary evil. And a necessary evil is often not the best starting point for a cheerful brand activation. Therefore thumbs up to ...
The people at IKEA have the talent to give normal things a funny twist. A fine example of this creative spirit is the recent release of their cookbook Homemade is Best, a beautiful designed baking guide that contains recipes from IKEA customers. As an interactive dessert IKEA just launched the Kondis iPhone app (Kondis is Swedish for stamina). The app combines the cool ingredient photography of the cookbook with an exercise component. Pick which dessert you’re going to make and Kondis shows the amount of exercise you need to burn the calories.
For most consumers antivirus software is a necessary evil. And a necessary evil is often not the best starting point for a cheerful brand activation. Therefore thumbs up to ...
With this give away stunt on Canadian airports WestJet last year produced a feel good campaign that went viral to the max (the video has been watched over 36 ...
In advertising imitation is daily business. But what do you do when one of your competitor almost copies your ideas? Ignore them? Threaten them with lawyers? Or fight them ...