ANZ Bank – Signs of Love
In one of the most inspiring celebrations of diversity of the year ANZ Bank teamed up with TBWA\Melbourne to spread the message of sexual equality to the whole of ...
During December shopping streets in the Netherlands look at their best with lots of people and fabulous holiday window displays. Then all of a sudden, in the weeks before the Dutch feast day of Sinterklaas, ultra fast 4G Zwarte Pieten pop up. They direct shoppers to a store activation organized by telecom provider KPN. In 120 KPN stores across the Netherlands people can write their three most wanted gadgets on a wish list and have the chance of winning those items for Sinterklaas or Christmass. BrandBase developed the concept, created special newspaper ads and designed the entire in store and digital material.
In one of the most inspiring celebrations of diversity of the year ANZ Bank teamed up with TBWA\Melbourne to spread the message of sexual equality to the whole of ...
The Dutch ING bank smartly uses the brand new G1 GSM, Google’s answer to the Apple iPhone. The ING Wegwijzer is a free mobile application that helps users to ...
At first sight it seems as if people walked into a normal high-end leather store in Bangkok. But when the shoppers took a better look at the bags, belts, ...