Fearless Girl
Fearless Girl was one of the big winners in Cannes this year. The statue of a daring young girl standing defiantly in front of Wall Street’s Charging Bull, has ...
Due to the economic crisis the art industry in Spain suffered one of the hardest blows ever. The independent comedy theatre company TeatreNeu chose to fight this situation with humour. With a facial recognition system that can detect smiles they gave spectators the opportunity to pay per laugh. This proved to be a good deal and an even better publicity stunt. You can watch out the complete story in this case study. Fantastic idea with great results!
Fearless Girl was one of the big winners in Cannes this year. The statue of a daring young girl standing defiantly in front of Wall Street’s Charging Bull, has ...
When it comes to delivering parcels PostLogistics goes all the way. To emphasize its improved service the company came up with this fun advertising stunt. Thirty rolling parcels pursued ...
January 21 2013, Milan. It looks like a Monday morning like any other. You’re still a bit sleepy when you take the sub to work. But instead of arriving ...