Universal Music – Move Like Lorde
Universal Music Argentina came up with an innovative activation to boost sales of Lorde’s new album Pure Heroin. Using specially developed software music buyers were able to copy the ...
Most of us take washing machines for granted, but every day thousands of American kids miss school just because they don’t have clean clothes to wear. That’s why Whirlpool created Care Counts. In this program the company donated seventeen pairs of washers and dryers to schools in St. Louis and California, where kids could use them for free. The results were astounding: over 90% of participating students increased their attendance that year. Thumbs up for the people at DigitasLBi and Whirlpool!
Universal Music Argentina came up with an innovative activation to boost sales of Lorde’s new album Pure Heroin. Using specially developed software music buyers were able to copy the ...
This event by Nike in LA must have been an insane amount work, but the result certainly is amazing. For the launch of the new Jordan CP3 basketball shoe ...
IKEA brilliantly misled costumers of the Milan Design Fair. A chemical toilet turned out to be a doorway to a comfortable 20 square meter IKEA paradise. As the video ...