Australian Defence Force- Mobile Medic App
Check this innovative campaign by the Australian Defence Force, designed to recruit medical students worthy of a university sponsorship. The augmented reality app allowed students to diagnose and treat ...
Having trouble with your boss? Do you wonder if you make enough money? And what about your pension? For the Dutch labor union FNV Bondgenoten Brandbase developed an accessible online platform full of answers to work related questions. Serious business? Sure, but the campaign also has a funny interactive twist. After giving your telephone number you receive a personal compliment of famous people like Johan Cruyff and Barack Obama.
Check this innovative campaign by the Australian Defence Force, designed to recruit medical students worthy of a university sponsorship. The augmented reality app allowed students to diagnose and treat ...
With Hidden Treasures of Creativity Adobe builds a bridge between different generations of creativity. The company that creates Photoshop teamed up with The Munch Museum in Oslo to recreate ...
People diagnosed with the rare cancer soft tissue sarcoma are told that they have months to live. The challenge of hearing these words is not only facing the cancer ...